My Startup Days Are Over
Yup. Even though the name of my blog is Startup Next Door, I'm done with startups. I knew a year ago that I wouldn't start another »
Yup. Even though the name of my blog is Startup Next Door, I'm done with startups. I knew a year ago that I wouldn't start another »
I really hate it when posts have pop-culture, timely linkbait titles like "8 1/2 Startup Tips I Learned from Justin Bieber" and "5 Things Every »
A couple of months ago I put some thought into the area of competition. You may not know, but my latest startup has some competition. The »
Those in the Seattle area can check out TalkToTheManager at Spitfire in Belltown on Tuesday, April 24th. I'll be doing demos of TalkToTheManager and showing off »
My latest startup is TalkToTheManager, which is a departure from the consumer-focused startups I've done in the past. This announcement is a little late, since I »
Early Friday morning, I was thinking that if I could get an instant domain search going, I could hook it up to and send »
So you've likely noticed I haven't posted in quite a while. Blogging is hard work, and takes a ridiculous amount of time to write even a »
On June 30th, Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of the PHP programming language, joined Earndit as advisor. You may remember my interview with Earndit back on April »
As I mentioned a few months back in I'm a Startup Rancher, I tend to create startups, let them run for a while, and see if »
I don't speak much about raising capital at Startup Next Door. For goodness' sake, the tagline is "Venture without Capital". But Wednesday night I spoke with »