My Java Reading List
Even before I started work at Amazon, I got started getting up to speed on the main language I would use for the job. Here is »
Even before I started work at Amazon, I got started getting up to speed on the main language I would use for the job. Here is »
I thought I was done reading books for the learning phase of my study process, and was itching to get back to the coding problems phase. »
Well, it's taken many months to get to this point, because I had a lot to learn. With no formal computer science training and not knowing »
Technically, I started reading in April, but look at that stack! I'm not spending too much time reading on a daily basis right now. I want »
I'm making my way through this super-sized book, and taking many notes along the way. »
I finished the C book, and practiced a bit. Now it's time to crack open C++ Primer Plus. Weighing in at 3.8 pounds (1.7 »
Just wanted to drop in with a status update. I'm getting through the book and doing some exercises along the way. It's challenging, yet fun. So »
So I've completed all the work needed for my business, and there are good people in place to keep it running smoothly, so now I can »