Important: Pick One Language for the Coding Interview
I wanted to clarify the programming language requirement for the interview. I was under the impression that I needed C++ or Java to do the interview, »
I wanted to clarify the programming language requirement for the interview. I was under the impression that I needed C++ or Java to do the interview, »
I needed this for myself, and Googled around but didn't find anything satisfactory, but now after a little work, I'm all set with Valgrind. Wouldn't you »
I put on my sorting hat and watched many, many videos on sorting. The videos covered: bubble sort selection sort insertion sort heap sort merge sort »
I've moved on to trees, and I have many trees to cover. The types of trees I'm studying: binary search tree: BST red/black tree splay »
I'm working on queues today. I'm implementing a queue using a fixed-size array, and also using a linked list. These are the four operations each will »
I ended up with 2 implementations of linked lists in C, an object-oriented approach in C++ (with templates!), and followed up with a smaller OO implementation »
Yesterday I started on linked lists, and this one looks like it will go 2-3 days. I started off with a nice C implementation, with many »
I've been continuing my studies in computer science by implementing a vector (automatically resizing array) without using arrays. I started with C, and wanted to get »
I finished reading C++ Primer Plus. Man, that was a big book. But I feel infused with knowledge! I started watching some C++ videos, and how »
I ran across this Boolean logic law back in 2011, and it's stuck with me ever since. De Morgan's Laws deal with taking multiple Boolean expressions »